Why do you need a mobile to keep Your Restaurant Business Relevant in the Digital Age?


Smartphones have become an integral part of our daily lives. People use them to shop, for news, to keep in touch with family, and – increasingly – to decide which restaurant to eat at. Restaurant apps have changed the way people dine out, through innovative features like instant billing and ordering. If you’re a restaurant owner still on the fence about building a mobile app, you could potentially lose a lot of business to your mobile-friendly competitors if you don’t make one soon. On the other hand, getting a custom app can help you grow revenues.

Here are some reasons why a mobile app is essential for your restaurant business in the digital age:

It Helps More Customers Find Your Restaurant

Restaurants tend to have a limited reach, usually within a small area. With an app, clients across a wider geographical area will be able to learn about your app and visit you. Online reviews and descriptions will also help them learn more about the food you serve.

Customers Can Pay Quickly

With innovative features like remote billing and the ability to pay for food through credit cards, clients will no longer have to wait for servers to bring them the bill. That speeds up the whole process and saves time for both you and your time-conscious customers.

Online Reservations

Customers will never need to wait for a table again! They’ll be able to tell if you have free tables and book them instantly via online reservations. It’d help you control the flow of clients during peak times, and your servers won’t have to work as hard.

Engage Customers Better

Many restaurant business owners use applications to engage their customers by offering favorite dishes and special discounts to recurring clients. They also wish customers on their birthdays and offer to bake special cakes during that time. Engaging clients becomes easy, and you don’t have to invest a lot of money in it either.

Planning to build one for your restaurant right away? Hiring dedicated mobile app developers can make you a basic but all-inclusive app at rock-bottom prices.

Mobile Payments Will Break New Ground in 2017

Mobile Payments Concept
Mobile Payments Concept Isolated Over White Background

There will be an estimated 4.7 billion smartphone users in 2017, and the number is slated to go up to 5 billion by 2020. A lot more customers are shopping from their Smartphones these days. In fact, traffic from smartphone devices to eCommerce stores has surpassed traffic from desktops! Businesses worldwide are scrambling to offer their services online and also to accept payments from customers on their sites or through apps.

Relevance of mobile payments

It is estimated that by 2025, over 75% of all transactions will be through a digital medium. Mobile payment technology is relatively new and offers a much safer way for customers to buy online as compared to using credit or debit cards.

Multiple devices in use

Customers tend to use many devices while shopping. For example, they will use their phones to scout a product and pay for it through their desktops. They may also scout products on their desktops and pay for it via a tablet. Mobile payments can simplify the buying process across multiple devices.

Satisfying Customers is essential

Almost 40% of all customers will abandon their shopping carts if stores don’t offer a mobile-optimized experience. Satisfying customers is important if you want to do business, especially when it comes to mobile users. It is hard to type on small screens. Mobile payment solutions have to be custom-designed to offer a simplified payment process.

The checkout process needs an overhaul

Currently, it’s hard to buy via smartphones at most stores. Ideally, checkouts should require a couple of taps. That can be done by overhauling the entire checkout process, by making it user-friendly and small-screen centric.

Security concerns exist

Mobile wallet technology is deemed unsafe by almost half of all users. In reality, though, it is much safer than sharing credit card info directly with a merchant, as it involves a tokenization system that, if hacked, prevents hackers from making sense of transaction info.

Mobile payments are slated to become common in 2017. Businesses that adopt the technology early are likely to reap benefits. You can consult with experienced developers on how best to utilize the technology for your unique business.


How mPayment Platforms Can Help Your Retail Segment?

Today, mobile payments have grown past just money transfers to utility billing, mobile pay parking, NFC payments and international remittances. In this scenario, how is mobile retail poised to grow? And how do ordinary businesses use them to their advantage? These are some of the questions we ‘will be looking at in this article.

Readers will know that many retail companies have already rolled out their mPayment platform, and some versions are under test. Added to that, developers too are building retail industry mPayment platforms making it a tough competition in this field.

Mobile payment platforms have always been a talking point at industry gatherings as many see these platforms as the next big thing in payments. On the other hand, consumers have expressed their concerns (many of them on the security front), and many analysts suggest that the only way for application developers to overcome these problems is to exhibit the safety of such a system over time.

The financial industry and leaders of mobile payment industry are also developing a set of guidelines, norms and standards used in business and industry that all participants in the mobile payments market place can work within to ensure simplicity, scalability, security, cost effectiveness and return on investment for merchants and consumers while allowing for competition and innovation among market participants.

Though, there are already a large number of mobile users who are able to pay at point-of-sale with their mobile devices, but the announcement of various mobile payment applications every next day is bringing mobile payment platform closer to making it a next big thing.

Next generation mWallet envisions the latent potential of the mobile payment platform. So it has developed integrated business solutions for the retail industry that provide customized and value-added services enabling them profitably grow their businesses.

Next generation mobile payment solution is a unique, smart mobile payment platform that intelligently implies current wallet functions so that consumers are no longer required to carry a physical wallet – just their Smartphone with the next generation mobile payment application installed and configured. Next generation mWallet lets consumers use their mobile phones to pay for goods and services anytime and anywhere.

5 Tips to Get the Maximum Out Of Mobile Application Analytics

When you set out to build a mobile app, a well-planned strategy and solid development are a must and a neat design is paramount. But analytics is the key to measuring execution and the value of all hard work you’ve put into building the app. As mobiles continue to penetrate every aspect of our lives, it is but natural that developers and marketers alike are constantly trying to measure user behaviour through app analytics. While the mobile app industry might be young, there are a number of platforms and services vying with each other to provide you with good app data.

Start Using Analytics Before Your Application Is In the Appstore

There’s no use if you start thinking about analytics after your application has been accepted in the Appstore. You can create a more robust, user-friendly version1 if you start analysing data during your application’s alpha and beta phases. You could use Test flight for example.

Users May Not Use Your App the Way You Do

You’ve meticulously planned your app’s design, functionality and flow, but you still need to be able to think like the user. Get third party opinion by asking unbiased users to use your application. Put websites like Craigslist and heatmap which uses heat maps to enable you to see which part of your application users interact with to good use.

Analyse Market Data to Avoid Mistakes of Your Competitors

While analytics providers may be a bit expensive, it is still worthwhile to see what other apps are doing in the market, their price and functionality. With this information, you can make decisions knowing how consumer preferences and application performances in your category.

Select KPIS That Suit Your Target Audience

There are a variety of apps for a variety of things. There are apps for education, testprep, epub, news, messaging, movies and entertainment. Each has a performance indicator of its own. User retention might be important for a particular application while purchase conversion would expectedly, be paramount for an ecommerce application. It is important to know what metric to focus on for your app.

Different Providers for Different Apps

Again, this boils down to knowledge. You need to know which analytics provider caters to which vertical. Localytics and Platyomics are both analytics providers, but one caters to content delivery while the other is for mobile gaming.

As mobile users grow at a rapid pace, mobile analytics too would catch up. Which means you’ve got to keep pace as the scenario keeps changing.