Enterprise Mobile Applications: What Is The Role Of AI?

Technology is ever-advancing and businesses need to quickly embrace them it as and when it does. Today, artificial intelligence has developed to become extremely useful and powerful in many ways. For instance, mobile application development can be integrated with AI and this combination can be leveraged by business to drive smooth and efficient functioning of their activities.

Here’s how artificial intelligence is equipping enterprise mobile applications and influencing various Functions.

1) AI Infused Into Your Lifestyle:

The majority of the population is equipped with mobile devices today. You will hardly find people not carrying their smartphones wherever they go. Incorporating artificial intelligence with mobile applications is a great way to learn the activities of the users and improve their lifestyle accordingly. Apple’s Siri, Microsoft’s Cortana, and Amazon’s Alexa are brilliant examples of how useful and how integral AI has become in our lives.

2) Top Features Of AI:

AI enables users to customize their applications based on their preferences. It helps optimize the RAM, CPU, and ROM of the app in the mobile devices, paving the way for efficient management of available resources. It also saves the battery life as and when it identifies that the user is not actively using the mobile device. Moreover, integrating machine learning improves memory capabilities.

3) Predictive Analysis And Data Mining:

Tracking and analyzing data is one of the key functions of any business. It helps them understand the current status of the company and make plans on improving it in the future. Artificial intelligence enhances these capabilities for businesses with predictive analysis and increases the chances of making the most appropriate decisions to achieve growth. It seeks the necessary data points and presents the information you will need to make the next right move.

4) Chatbots:

This is one brilliant application of AI. A ChatBot is preemptively stored with data related to customer queries. When approached by a customer, it will be able to derive information from its database and respond aptly to the customer’s request. With the recent advancements, its efficiency has escalated and many businesses are adopting it to boost the quality of their customer service and for its cost-efficiency.

Openwave houses a proficient App Development Team in New York! Connect with our experts and share your requirements today! We will custom-tailor your solution to specifically suit your needs! Dial now: +1(212) 209-1537 Email: Info@openwavecomp.com

Author: Melanie Antoine

Openwave Computing is a premier Information Technology leader, providing exemplary services to the clients worldwide since 1997. We have transformed companies through the value chain, providing technology to attain a competitive advantage. We, Openwave, transform our relationships from being just a service partner to a strategic partner. We excel in understanding their unique requirements and customize our services to fulfill all their technology needs.

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