4 Ways To Secure Your Mobile App With Blockchain Technology

One of the most benefitting results of information technology is the genesis of blockchain. It is a list of records which can be distributed but not copied, rendering it robustness when dealt with intervention or hacks. This throws light on potential use of blockchain technology as an effective means to protect mobile applications from security threats.

Blockchain App Security

Here are 4 ways how you can secure your mobile application using blockchain technology.

1) Employing A Decentralized System:

One big advantage of this platform is its decentralized method of working. Everyone will be able to access information in real-time and any sort of suspicious activity can be spotted. This allows data to be transparent and secure at simultaneously. It has never been this easy to detect hacking in the history of information technology.

2) Transferring Brand Infrastructure:

Since it is decentralized, you can confidently shift core targets of your brand architecture to safe blocks. Developers can store DNS entries with assurance that even the government can’t lay hands on the information. This kind of security is impossible to attain through any other technology as of now.

3) Use SSL Certificates Instead Of Passwords:

SSL certificates are small data files that hold information related to company details. They eliminate the need of passwords by behaving like keys to access secure connection from web servers. All you need to do is install it on a web server and you are sorted. This kind of ease of access is again a big bonus when it comes to this platform.

4) Store Information In Blocks To Prevent Identity Theft:

Data is not stored in the server but in each block of the chain while the user is enabled with private key encryption. This makes it impossible for hackers to rob identities. With this sense of safety and protection, users will undoubtedly trust security provided and hence value your app more.

Therefore, this highly capable technology is able to potentially improve security of mobile applications and make them increasingly robust. If you are interested in employing such an impenetrable foundation for your mobile application, reach out to Openwave to hire the leading blockchain developers of New York.

How To Develop A Blockchain Based App

With the increasing relevance of blockchain development, every business wants to avail its features! The days of worrying about security are gone. With this stellar advent, every business can rest assured as their website and services are profoundly protected within blocks that can’t be broken into! Security aside, blockchain houses an array of other advantages like decentralization, transparency and an increased efficiency.

Blockchain concept as futuristic idea of database - 3d rendering

Wondering how a blockchain app is developed? It can be done in three ways:

1) Use A Predefined Creation Platform: The easiest way to get a blockchain app developed is by employing a platform. Several means exist – like Ethereum, Open Chain, Hyperledger, etc. These platforms are efficient, versatile and mighty convenient to use. It provides a predefined network with servers and tools at your disposal.

2) Set Up Your Own Network: A little similar to the above process, by deploying your own network, you will be restricted to employ open-source facilities only. By working on an already existing network, your time is saved which would otherwise be wasted on developing a new network. Additionally, using a predefined platform will cost you a fee, which is incurred per smart contract used! Setting up a network eliminates this cost.

3) Work On Everything From Scratch: This method is very time-taking, but pays off! Building a blockchain network from scratch will need you to create an app using programming languages like C, C++, and Java etc. There will be projects where the requirements are very specific; for such cases, building things from bottom-up is the best choice. However, this process is expensive and long!

Fascinated by blockchain app development? Secure your business today! With its decentralized nature and complete transparency, security is guaranteed. Call the best blockchain app developer – Openwave, and get yourself a stellar app made! +1(212) 209-1537

Blockchain Technology: How Are Developers Benefiting From It?

The famous blockchain technology is all about bringing chains of blocks together, linking them and securing them by using cryptographical means. Each one of these blocks is made up of three main components:- A hash pointer which indicates the previous block, a stamp of the time and the data of the transaction. Let’s explore more.

Why Is Blockchain All The Rage Suddenly?

Blockchain development takes security to a whole new level, as the data can’t be tampered with very easily. It makes the whole system widely transparent and gives the management an opportunity to place accountability where it needs to be placed. As a result, various major corporates of the world are putting a lot of research into Blockchain and cryptocurrency development. Whether it is Deloitte, Circle Internet or IBM, all the giants are putting their eggs in the blockchain basket.

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Here are three reasons why it’s a hit with developers:

  1. Greater Opportunities

Developing a blockchain system isn’t all that easy. In fact, it can be a tricky little process requiring trained and talented people to be put into the job. Any company wanting to bring about a secure way of storing their transaction related data need to be thinking about hiring a blockchain developer. Thanks to the popularity of this little technological gem, software developers and engineers have found a rich gold mine of job opportunities.

  1. Block Chain Development Is Exclusive

Not just anyone can develop a blockchain. It needs a specific set of skills and knowledge base. This makes the job exclusive and high paid. Various service providing industries such as the healthcare sector, financial institutions, and investment firms basically run on the trust of their clients. Blockchain technology and the security it brings about, increases the trust quotient significantly, hence, making it a must-have commodity.

  1. The Future Is Bright For Blockchain

The sizzle and attraction of blockchain are just beginning to spark and is not about to go out any time soon. The developers have their hands full of opportunities just begging to be explored. The market is hot for people with good software developing skills. Cryptocurrency development has become the need of the hour today, due to the need for security, trust and efficient data storage. Blockchain developers have the chance to swoop in and make a living out of it.

If you want to hire experts, you can always get in touch with Openwave – a market leader in blockchain development!